Tye was after the seeds of a little tree in the playground every day. He once asked me to gather the plant seeds to plant in his home. After plucking it, I handed it to him. He asked a different teacher to pick the seeds the following day, and this is what happens every day. Currently, none of us pluck and offer him seeds when he asks for them. I had a chance to observe how he managed to obtain the seed when he didn’t get help from anyone. He finds his alternate solution to get the seed. Taking a bit of snow in his palm, he started tossing it towards the seeds, hoping it would fall. This made me think that you can always find a way to get what you want. He was fervent about the seed and would always want to plant it in his home when I asked him to. Everything about this demonstrates to me his connection to nature and his enthusiasm for gardening and planting. He found his ways of getting things done and used his imagination for that. He explored new ideas. He began to learn how to solve difficulties in a novel way on his own.

Collecting Different Seeds (7th April 2024)
I once showed them some of the seeds I had picked off the ground and an avocado seed I had taken from the center after reading a children’s book about seeds. The children are giddy with excitement over the seeds, and a few of them even want to take them home.

April 8th, 2024
During the art activity period the following day, the young friends began creating different artworks for their parents. One of my friends created an image of an avocado seed for his mother. Additionally, we considered gathering several types of seeds while we were outside; these are photos of the seeds we gathered.
Ben is very excited about collecting the seeds and found an interesting seed
Ben : Teacher, teacher I found the rock seed
Tye: That is rock
Ben: No, it is rock seed
I also found the disco seed and, I have rainbow seed too in my home
Resmi: What does it look like?
Ben: It is in different colors
Tye: I want these seeds to home, my mom likes flowering seeds
Our exploration of seeds continues in the next semester too………
Karolyn’s Notes Apr 8, 2024
Please add dates to your entries.
As we discussed in class this is an interesting start. You noticed his interest, determination, creative problem solving and knowledge of seeds, planting etc. How can you think with course learning, the BC ELF, and collaborative dialogue to continue to explore this documentation? Carrying these ideas on to other experiences, including more children, etc. would be one way to continue this exploration, deepen it for you, the child/ren and your colleagues, classmates.
Karolyn’s Notes April 19th, 2024
It is nice to see you revisiting the seeds and engaging in discussions and explorations with the children. It seems you are starting to see how these types of explorations can move and grow with the children’s engagements rather than the “teacher” having control over what is learned. I like to see you welcoming children’s imaginative thoughts as they explore seeds. A rock seed, a rainbow seed etc.